Advanced Self-Care Practitioner Training Series
1. Self Care Reiki Master - Practitioner (six week ) (Care of Self, Other, All of Us)
Intention: Developing caring-leadership abilities and energy mastery.
Focus: Holding group energies and practices, expanded spiritual awareness, personal, ancestral, and collective healing techniques and group dynamics.
Outcome: MD Reiki Level 3 Master Practitioner Certification upon completion.
2. Soul Care Coach/Reiki Master Teacher Apprenticeship (1 year) (Care of All of Us)
Intention: Fostering leadership as a master teacher, mentor, and coach through a year long apprenticeship program in which a soul care plan is developed and implemented.
Focus: Accessing advanced realms of caring-healing practices, dedication to soul self-care, and contributing the legacy of a consciously caring world.
Outcome: MD Reiki Level 4 Master Teacher Certification & Advanced Soul-Care Peer Coach certification upon completion.
Daily Reiki Self-Care Practice (Carolyn)
Daily Intentional Meditations (Sign Up Here)