Introduction to Emotions -Suzanne McMurray (Length- 24:20)
Intro to Meditation- Marissa Winters (Length- 9:18)
Unstuffing Your Emotions: Befriending Anger- Suzanne McMurray (Length- 19:02)
Returning to Flow with JIN SHIN JYUTSU- Carol Strelic (Length- 20:29)
Journaling a Creative Way to Channel Anger- Mary Ann Billerman (Length- 13:59)
Unstuffing Your Emotions: Unmasking Apathy and Boredom- Suzanne McMurray (Length- 21:12)
The Masks of Apathy and Boredom- Pegeen Foley (Length- 25:14)
Unstuffing Your Emotions: Understanding Guilt and Shame- Suzanne McMurray (Length- 21:07)
Qigong Movement for Balance of the Emotion of Shame and Release of Guilt- Jean Hickman (Length- 27:49)
Bach Flower Remedies- Mary Ann Billerman (Length- 12:21)
Full Moon Ritual: Fire Ceremony- Jean Hickman (Length- 30:00)
Unstuffing Your Emotions: Seeing Hatred- Suzanne McMurray (Length- 17:54)
Shadow Work with Hatred: Honey Jar Ritual- Lucy Craig (Length- 1:47:02)
Yoga Nidra Deep Relaxation - Taking a break by staying in the present moment- Mary Flynn (Length-39:30)
Unstuffing Emotions: Sadness Introduction - Suzanne McMurray
Unstuffing Emotions: Sadness - Suzanne McMurray
Honoring Sadness in Others - Carol Strelic
Crystal Cave Grounding Meditation - Suzanne McMurray
Unstuffing Emotions: Grief - Suzanne McMurray
Mourning Altars Setting Sacred Space - Jean Hickman and Carolyn Roche
Unstuffing Emotions: Depression - Suzanne McMurray
Releasing Through Yoga Binds - Carolyn Roche
Unstuffing Emotions: The Suicidal Urge - Suzanne McMurray
Your Living Tapestry Meditation - Carol Strelic
Inner Child Meditation - Suzanne McMurray
Release with Gratitude - Hannah Mary
Unstuffing Emotions: Fear - Suzanne McMurray
Embodying Core Values: A Boundary Setting Practice - Suzanne McMurray
Unstuffing Emotions: Confusion - Suzanne McMurray
Unstuffing Emotions: Envy and Jealousy - Suzanne McMurray
Your Body-Your Home: A GROUNDING MEDITATION - Carol Strelic
Unstuffing Emotions: Panic and Terror - Suzanne McMurray
Shoulder Release - Marissa Winters
Ancestral Fear Light Language Activation Meditation - Suzanne McMurray
Unstuffing Emotions: Happiness - Suzanne McMurray
Happiness Kit - Mary Ann Billerman
Tapping Into Your Radical Self - Pegeen Foley
Unstuffing Emotions: Contentment - Suzanne McMurray
Unstuffing Emotions: Joy - Suzanne McMurray
Yoga Nidra for Contentment: A Mini Vacation for the Monkey Brain - Mary Flynn
WONDER & AWE: Gateway to Joy - Carol Strelic
Unstuffing Emotions Panel Discussion - Vieno Wurret, Carol Strelic, Suzanne McMurray, Marissa Winters
Unstuffing Emotions: Stress and Resistance - Suzanne McMurray
In Joy Eating - Marissa Winters
Fire Ceremony Release - Jean Hickman
Library of additional resources:
Meditations - Compassion, Listening to Now and Savasana
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown, PhD., LMSW.
The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying To Tell You by Karla McLaren.
The Biology of Belief: Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD.
The Celestine Prophecy series of novels by James Redfield consisting of: The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure; The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision; The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight; The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision.
The Center for Reiki Research Website - Research links to published studies on the effects of Energy Medicine.
Brene Brown - Information on the power of vulnerability and empathy.
The Celestine Vision - Information to help hold “the vision of a conscious future”.
Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC - Researcher on the power of your thoughts and intentions to create your life.
Karla McLaren - How to make friends with your challenging emotions.
Lynn McTaggert - Investigative journalist, and author of The Power of Intention and other books about conscious creation.