Energy practitioner Training Program
Our Energy Practitioner Training Program is intended to empower you to care for & protect your personal energy.
Program Overview:
The Energy Practitioner Training Program focuses on giving you the skills to care for and protect your personal energy, which can be acutely or chronically depleted in difficult relationships and toxic environments. Each level of training enhances your self awareness and access to caring energetic resources.. We utilize the caring-healing practice of Multidimensional Reiki to ground both self care and energy concepts into daily practice.
Program Levels:
1. Self-Care Energy Initiate (3 hour introduction)
Intention: Introducing basic hands-on practice for personal development.
Focus: Energy awareness, Self-care, comfort, and healing of oneself.
Outcome: Self-Care Reiki Certification upon completion.
2. Level 1 & 2 MD Reiki Practitioner (10-12 week practitioner program)
Intention: Develop personal and interpersonal relationship skills.
Focus: Expanding your body and relationship awareness and basic energy conservation and support tools.
Outcome: Multidimensional Reiki Level 1 & 2 Certifications upon completion.
3. MultiDimensional Reiki Upgrade ( two 3-hour classes for Reiki level 2 practitioners or above from any Lineage)
Intention: Reiki level 2 or above will have upgraded attunements, symbols and technques for personal and interpersonal healing
Focus:: Expand your vibrational awareness and restructure your energetic system to incorporate higher frequency energies
Outcome: Multidimensional Reiki Level 1& 2 Certifications upon completion