
Getting to know Hatred:

  • Unstuffing Your Emotions: Seeing Hatred- Suzanne McMurray (Lecture, Length- 17:54)

  • Shadow Work with Hatred: Honey Jar Ritual- Lucy Craig (Practice, Length- 1:47:02)

  • Yoga Nidra Deep Relaxation - Taking a break by staying in the present moment- Mary Flynn (Practice, Length-39:30) 

Unstuffing Your Emotions: Seeing Hatred - Suzanne McMurray

Put your judgements aside and be willing to see hatred with new eyes.

Shadow Work with Hatred: Honey Jar Ritual- Lucy Craig

Come for a closer look at the motivation behind our feelings of hatred.  Take a dive into shadow retrieval work to let go of the rage and bring out the qualities most important to you.  Find what is hidden in the shadows!  To help in this journey, we will learn about the physical and spiritual properties of honey, and how to create a honey jar invocation.  Through music and a bit of life's sweetness, we'll move from hatred to understanding.

Yoga Nidra Deep Relaxation - Taking a break by staying in the present moment- Mary Flynn

You are lying down in savasana where you will stay throughout yoga nidra. Align/center your body, flop your feet out about mat width apart and leave some space between your arms and your body with your palms facing up.

In Yoga Nidra, the mind is kept active in the present moment, remaining detached as the body is coaxed to relax. There is no judgment. You are just the witness. In Yoga Nidra, we learn to invite the uncomfortable as well as the comfortable.

All you need to do is follow the sound of my voice. Please try to stay awake. If you fall asleep, just pick up on the sound of my voice again.

You will be making an intention which is a short, simple, positive sentence stated in the present tense using the same exact words each time.

Please gather everything you need to be comfortable…a comfortable place to lie down with no distractions such as phones. You may want a light blanket as the body temperature can significantly drop during deep relaxation. An eye pillow or eye covering is used to keep the light out and assist with concentration. If you have lower back issues, you may wish to place a cushion, bolster, or rolled-up towel under your knees.

Yoga Nidra is said to be equivalent to a 3 hour nap!