Sharing Connections
Sharing Connections introduces you to holistic teachers and practitioners where we discuss various topics and techniques to help build resiliency. Each week get to know our guests who are empowering care givers and transforming Care Giving.
Meditation has been shown to improve our health and well being by calming our nervous system, changing neural pathways in the brain, and improving positive thinking. Our guided meditations are a simple way to begin to experience the benefits of meditation. Choose any of the short, free guided meditations below to get started.
Many of our practitioners are experienced at leading guided meditations.
Contact us to learn about other offerings, or discuss creating a meditation to address your personal needs.
This guided compassionate exchange meditation, led by Suzanne McMurrary will help you to develop and share your ability to care for yourself and others. (Approximately 14 minutes.)
Listening to Now
This 5 minute guided meditation is a simple way to practice mindfulness and self awareness using your sense of hearing.
Meet Mary Flynn and allow her to guide you through a beautiful meditation used at the end of many yoga classes known as Savasana. (Approximately 11 minutes)
Other Resources
Some Books We Recommend:
Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead by Brene Brown, PhD., LMSW
The Language of Emotions: What Your Feelings Are Trying To Tell You by Karla McLaren. A unique and insightful approach to addressing challenging emotions like fear and anger.
The Biology of Belief:Unleashing the Power of Consciousness, Matter, and Miracles by Bruce H. Lipton, PhD. The father of “epigentics, “ Dr. Lipton is a cell biologist and former medical school professor who outlines how our cells are affected by our thoughts.

The Celestine Prophecy series of novels by James Redfield consisting of: The Celestine Prophecy: An Adventure; The Tenth Insight: Holding the Vision; The Secret of Shambhala: In Search of the Eleventh Insight; The Twelfth Insight: The Hour of Decision. These are enjoyable, easy to read novels that are also a great primer on energy and how humans can use it more deliberately. The series has ancillary books to delve more deeply into it message as well.
Websites to Consider:
The Center for Reiki Research Website - Research links to published studies on the effects of Energy Medicine.
Brene Brown - Information on the power of vulnerability and empathy.
The Celestine Vision - Information to help hold “the vision of a conscious future”.
Dr. Joe Dispenza, DC - Researcher on the power of your thoughts and intentions to create your life.
Karla McLaren - How to make friends with your challenging emotions.
Lynn McTaggert - Investigative journalist, and author of The Power of Intention and other books about conscious creation.