Unstuffing Happiness: The Retreat
Day 1
Unstuffing Emotions: Happiness - Suzanne McMurray
Happiness Kit - Mary Ann Billerman
Tapping Into Your Radical Self - Pegeen Foley
Day 2
Unstuffing Emotions: Contentment - Suzanne McMurray
Unstuffing Emotions: Joy - Suzanne McMurray
Yoga Nidra for Contentment: A Mini Vacation for the Monkey Brain - Mary Flynn
WONDER & AWE: Gateway to Joy - Carol Strelic
Day 3
Unstuffing Emotions Panel Discussion - Vieno Wurret, Carol Strelic, Suzanne McMurray, Marissa Winters
Unstuffing Emotions: Stress and Resistance - Suzanne McMurray
In Joy Eating - Marissa Winters
Fire Ceremony Release - Jean Hickman
In Depth Look
Click the link below to see what each of the sessions has to offer.
Meet our Care Givers
Find out about the teachers and Radical Self-Care Practitioners that are making this retreat possible.
Please check out the fee for this remarkable 3-Day Retreat- Happiness.
After the Retreat, the videos will be available to you through February 15, 2023. This should give you, as a participant the opportunity time to review, mull over and digest. Keep in touch!
We want all interested folk to be able to attend. The fee is for the full 3-Day schedule with privileges to continue to view until 2/15/23
Scholarship Rate: $35.00 Sustaining Rate: $45.00 Benefactor Rate: $55.00
Any amount you pay will give you access to the retreat. Please note the $45.00 Sustaining Rate is the best choice to help The Center for Conscious Care Giving continue its ongoing work in the community by providing educational programs and scholarship opportunities. If you can afford to pay at the Benefactor Rate you will be helping fund our scholarship rates.
You will receive an email with a link to access the exclusive retreat content after you have paid.
We Thank YOU in advance for your interest and support.